Monday, July 24, 2017

New interview up at Poets & Writers of VMP

Staring at souls
Mike Lafontaine, chief of all things at Vending Machine Press, is working up some great magic for his contributors. One of those extras are interviews he's posting at a sister site called Poets & Writers of VMP. My interview was posted yesterday.

Mike asked some good questions and because he opened his doors to my work at a time when so many others seemed closed for awhile, I opened up and talked about some things I hadn't touched on before. It was fun and interesting. Have a look.



  1. Don't seem to be able to comment on the site...could not find a comment section anyway. For what it's worth - really enjoyed it - always amazing how much you (still) read: " Reading is more important than writing. For me reading is prayer." I try but I just cannot get with a lot of the modern stuff...not sure about returning to England. You shouldn't giving up so easily - Rome wasn't built in a day either, and 250 years pass quickly in Europe. I cannot believe though I hadn't heard of +John Minichillo EOB...I AM an ardent sci-fi fan - will pick that up asap & looking forward to reading it. In your interview, the personal passages at the start and of course everything about your process was fascinating to me. One day, I must get to Eastern Kentucky. Cheers, mate.

    1. As always buddy I'm super grateful you read and keep up with what's going on in ol' SLC land. I'll have to let Mike know about the comments section on the site. Maybe he has it disabled, but it doesn't sound like him...Yeah Marcus my man you want to read EOB. John wrote a solid book right there. And whenever you want to strike out from Berlin and this way, you've always got a roof here at Horseshoe Drive, buddy!


let's talk about it

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...