Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CMT's 100 Best Drinking Songs Countdown As Viewed By A Bad Poet Six Years Ago

I thought to drink some tonight.
No ride.
Instead I flipped channels
and stopped on country music.
I caught my wrist,
or my wrist caught me,
or we both forgot that corn
was the best bait for catching trout,
and I stopped
and watched part of the
best drinking songs countdown.
Number 24,
What Made Milwaukee Famous,
Jerry Lee Lewis.
The next one,
Number 23,
Wine Into Water,
T. Graham Brown.
some guy said it made him cry.
I flip the channel after Brown drops the ball
and Lewis takes a back seat
or takes a side seat and a front seat
and the only thing left was a back seat
with bucket seats
and memories or regrets
and young cousins and beer.
Either way,
the Killer moved on.

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