Monday, July 23, 2012

Patrick Wensink and Lazy Fascist Press Keep It Interesting

I'm excited for a writer friend of mine, Patrick Wensink, and for good reason.  His book, Broken Piano for President, is, as of this writing, #77 on Amazon's list of top 100 best selling books.  A further breakdown shows it tops off at #1 in Satire and #12 in Humor  Check it out here.  That's a fine fine thing, but it's not the only thing interesting about Patrick's book.

The first time I saw the book, I loved the cover.  It's one of the best I've seen in a long while.  It's an image
most of us are familiar with who have bought or saw Jack Daniel's whiskey.  Like Patrick's work, this cover reflects that unique way he sees the world and the guts he brings to his craft.  Not to mention it's just cool at a time when cool book covers are becoming the norm.  That says a lot.

Not everyone agrees.  In particular Jack Daniel's.  Patrick wrote on his blog recently about receiving a letter from the whiskey manufacturer asking the cover be changed.  Of course, Lazy Fascist Press, the publisher, along with, of course, Patrick himself, will have nothing to do with this suggestion.  The letter is a beautiful bit of corporate this-and-that.  Have a look at what Patrick has to say about it at his blog here.

But simply because I find this whole thing fascinating, I'd like to also post the letter here for anyone who wants a quick fix before visiting the blog to read his thoughts.  See above right.  This is a letter for the ages, and one that should inspire lots of folks to hold firm on matters of independent publishing and the rights of writers and presses across the globe.  

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