Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Enjoy William Gay Talking About Anything


  1. I enjoyed this video of William Gay. I felt like he was around the Fairhope cabin I was in this April, the writing cabin. Sonny Brewer had pictures up in the living room and I stared and stared at them. William Gay was the only one I recognized and was I think the real ringer in that club of writers Sonny was promoting and celebrating and publishing in those days, 2000-2004 roughly. The writing cabin was right behind their big new library and because of a park and some library property on the block, the cabin quiet, under stated, easy to drive by (I'm not speaking of that idyllic cabin of his we see in this video--that's in Hohenwald, TN). William Gay could be an inspiration to any of us. He seems to have flashed by very quietly, but his stories are worth studying. I loved in the video his little chat about Dylan's "Don't Think Twice," a song I have a history with, too. Really great, Sheldon -- thanks for posting, thanks to oxford american for dropping in on him and making a little history, and thanks to also to you Sheldon for the fabulous energy in this online presence, Bent Country.

  2. I like that very much..."he seemed to flash by very quietly"...best way I've heard Gay's brief time sharing his words put, I think. Glad you enjoyed the video and, man, what a fine thing, his presence, there in the Fairhope cabin. That must have been great.

    Thanks for the kind words about my little corner, Bent Country, Phil. I truly appreciate that. Be well, word wizard.


let's talk about it

Reader (and fine writer) sends me first feedback since publication of OBLIVION ANGELS

Got an email recently from a writer I published at Poverty House last year and asked if I could share it. Here it is; it speaks for itself. ...