Monday, May 14, 2012

Blessed Beyond Words...Somebody's Holding My Storm

I'm blessed.  I'm blessed every day, regardless.  But check this out:

That's my book trailer for the collection from Foxhead.  Yep.  Stoked.

And folks are already getting their hands on copies.  Just this morning, my broster Jereny Tackett, a fine fine writer in his own right, got photographed in the act of having his hands on a copy by the love of my life, Heather McCoy, a fine fine photographer.  Everything is in line and perfect.  Check out Bern (my name for him since grade school) getting ready to get his read on:

So it's here, folks!  I'll be hitting up some places for readings over the next several months, starting with a reading in Louisville on May 25 just across from the Brown Hotel beginning at 10 p.m.  I'll keep y'all posted on upcoming readings as they get situated.


  1. Thanks, Rusty! I'm gonna keep going, man. It's the trip that's everything!

  2. Great trailer. Love the simplicity. Rusty Barnes' praise cuts it. Good luck with all those readings, mate!


let's talk about it

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