Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Fat To Be Chewed About My Book's Launch

The official launch for my new book, The Same Terrible Storm, will be held on Friday, June 8, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.  The event, which I and others have mentioned here and there at various places through Facebook, Twitter and so on, should, if all goes well, take place during Pikeville, Kentucky’s Main Street Live directly adjacent to the Eastern Kentucky Expo Center. 

Directions will be provided and invites will be sent out as soon as all ducks are in a cliché.  Steve Marlowe and gang at Foxhead Books are working on final arrangements and keeping me in the loop, but for now conversations between myself and city organizers, as well as talks between Steve and the same, point to there being no problems at this point.

As the thing gets nice and solid, I’ll post an event on Facebook, etc. and send invites.  I hope as many of you as possible can make it out to the launch.  There’ll be good mountain food and some others we can sample.  A good old-fashioned cookout, basically, complete with music and singing and storytelling, meeting friends and turning strangers into friends.  I truly hope you will find interest in attending.

I’ll let you guys know more when it’s all situated.  And thanks in advance, both to those who may share this evening with me and my family and, of course, to Foxhead and their golden folks who have supported myself and my book all the way through.

More later.  And tuck your shirt in. 


  1. Congratulations Sheldon!!!! Wish I could be there to drink to your good words and great success!

  2. Congrats to you, as well, Julie. We're just riding right along and this little trip, and the trip is what it's all about.

  3. Congratulations, Shel! Reading your book right now (on the road from berlun to munich.

  4. Eastern Ky. is dry, Julie, alas. We'll be drinking Baptist punch. :)

  5. Baptist Punch. You know I'm taking that for a story title, man.


let's talk about it

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