Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Fictionaut Welcome and Primer from JP Reese

I belong to an online community for readers and writers called Fictionaut.  Recently, writer JP Reese posted this informative bit in the general forum and it seems perfect to share for anyone who may have an invite to the site and would appreciate the input.

"For those of you who are new, or trying Fictionaut again, welcome. It was difficult for me when I first joined Fictionaut to learn some of the basic navigational tools and etiquette, so here is a beginners' primer for new folks. If anyone else has any ideas to add, please do so:
• When you post a story, take the time while you're here to read and comment on a few written by others.
• When someone comments on your piece, respond, either on his or her wall or below the response to your piece. You can write a group response or respond individually if you have the time to do so. It's polite.
• If someone writes on your wall and you wish to respond, go to their wall to respond. If you write on your own wall, chances are they won't see it.
• If you have questions or concerns, write a note in the Forum and other people will respond to you there.
• Many of the longer pieces are frequently ignored, so if you have time, please give them some love.
• If you want constructive feedback on a piece, ask for it. People will not offer suggestions unless prompted to do so, as Fictionaut isn't really a workshop for new work; however, there are private groups that focus on this part of the writing process, so again, ask about them in the Forums and someone will respond."

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