Monday, December 18, 2023

Found a review of Brown Bottle from earlier this year!

Yes, friends, I'm not even sure I remember now how I ran across it (I do google myself sometimes to see where things are with my indie writing career, that's probably how it happened) but there's a new review of my 2016 novel, my first novel, as it were.

Brett Milam (as soon as I write this and post I'm going to go find this guy and thank him) was the kind gentleman who wrote the review, and it's sincerely the best one I've read. He gets it, all of it. And like with any fantastic review, I learned something about my book I didn't know before reading it. That, to me, is the trait of a great review.

No need to ramble on. Go on ahead if you're interested and read Brett Milam's review of Brown Bottle. He nailed it.

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