Monday, December 18, 2023

When a Friend Makes You Define Yourself

Talked with a friend yesterday about why I mess with all this "writing stuff." He meant not only my own writing but the journals, blogs, correspondence, etc. It's the easiest thing in the world to answer. I told him, "I do it because it's fun." 

Folks, it's just fun. That's what I get out of it.

Some people go to the lake, others take vacations. I've noticed that a lot of people play video games and others go shopping. There's a lot of people going out to eat and then to a movie. I am not joking, I do all of this writing stuff because it's more fun than anything else I can think of besides sex.

There are a lot of writer friends of mine I've not talked with or seen around for a long time, writers who were so immensely talented it that I'm sure they still have amazing ideas ready to share. I don't know why they're not around anymore, but I wish they'd come back. I get a sense they were, as was I for sure, trying to get their writing careers off the ground, pushing around in the online indie lit scene hoping to cannonball out at some point the way our mutual friends like Roxane Gay, Blake Butler, and others did. And maybe when that didn't go exactly as hoped, they put their pens away and got on with life, as it were.

But I know they had fun doing this. You could feel it in their books and stories and poetry. I guess what's I'm saying is I wish they were still around. This indie scene is more than a set of steps to the real publishing scene. It's a carnival, a theme park, a party, a comfort food, a nostalgia, a night out.

Plain and simple, and again, it's just fun.

And well....

I miss you guys.

There, I said it.

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