Friday, March 6, 2020

Among other things, I am a poet. But I'm feeling insecure about that. Also, I'll have an interview going up soon at a poetry website.

So a writer I have been aware of in my periphery for over a decade wrote a hate piece about me a couple years ago. Or a year ago. Doesn't matter. Still hurts, but it doesn't matter for the purpose of this update.

Shockingly, the hate piece has nothing to do with what I've come to call The Great 2015 Online Attempted Social Murder of Sheldon Lee Compton. Well, it's possible it does tangentially have something to do with it. Sideways relating to. Tangential, that favorite catch word from a few workshop semesters ago.

There's a reason for going into all this. So yeah, I guess is matters for the purposes of this update. I was freely given unsolicited advice to not engage in social media in a way that, well, I tend to engage with most people when I'm wrongly challenged or accused or understood.

Crux: This hate piece by this writer I don't really know but know of that included two other writers (one of whom is incredibly, incredibly famous) who I won't name in a journal I won't name stated that I was a joke as a poet. Not in those words; in funnier words.

Today, I'm told, an interview with me will be published at poetry mini interviews by curator Thomas Whyte. I know I did the interview I just don't know if it will for sure go up today. Point is, I'm feeling insecure because of the aforementioned hate piece, which I do mention in the interview. I hate that I feel that way, that I'm allowing this peripheral writer who I would love to name but won't have that effect on me, but it's what it's.

I'll update with a link when the interview is published.

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