Thursday, May 23, 2019

My story "Into the Mystic" published today at Fish Bowl Press

I love getting involved early and often with new journals and new presses. So often really unique stories can be found here.

Today I had the pleasure of seeing my short story "Into the Mystic" published at Fish Bowl Press.

Also, another cool thing is that each story gets a drawing specific to it with a nice title page and everything. To left here is the drawing they did for mine.

I'd love if you stopped by and had a look at their journal. Below is the link to my story, but roam around and enjoy all the content.

Fish Bowl Press - "Into the Mystic"

Monday, May 20, 2019

Yes, I googled myself. But look what I found!

I googled myself yesterday. It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. I have a busy online life and so I like to see what's humming out there and how it might be connected to me.

The result yesterday was by far my favorite.

An artist named Amy Elizabeth (I suspect there might be a last name missing there but can't be sure) she posted one of her paintings at a website called PicoMico. Below is the painting.

Pretty amazing right? You know it. She explains that it's about corruption, in particular regarding the recent idiot politicians and their idiot views and actions about abortion. Right on, I say. She said the painting was also inspired by my short story "The Wolf and Two Rabbits" published a few years ago at Occulum. 

Check out the rest of Amy's work. Here's a link to her page over at PicoMico.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Dysphoria Makes the 31 New & Upcoming Indie Book Picks from a Top Goodreads Reviewer

So my good friend and champion of small presses far and wide Lori Hettler posted on Goodreads her book picks for new and upcoming titles on Goodreads yesterday. To my great pleasure, included among these 31 picks was my novel Dysphoria. It's only the second list I've made for one of my books. I like the feeling. Thanks for this, Lori!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

A few new words about my new novel Dysphoria, out now from Cowboy Jamboree Press

I'm woefully behind on making hay about my new novel, Dysphoria, from Cowboy Jamboree Press. I've mentioned it a lot on social media, but not here, at my home.

Please buy Dysphoria: An Appalachian Gothic @ Amazon

If posts and messages are to be trusted (and these are trustworthy people) a lot of people are buying and reading the book. That makes an author happy.

I really don't know how to keep talking about it at this point. I started the first chapter when I was 18 years old, moderating a fiction discussion group via America Online during my senior year of high school. The story that became the chapter that became the book was called "The Son" and it was the first time I had written with my dad in mind. Of course if you've read anything by me since I started having my writing published you'll see that the theme has pervaded for nearly three decades.

Another chance to please buy Dysphoria: An Appalachian Gothic @ Amazon

Dysphoria is the work in which I deal most heavily with my dad, exploring him, his mind, asking questions about what it would actually take to make a person like that a personal like that. That's most I've ever talked about the origins of this book. And the most I probably ever will.

Friday, May 3, 2019

My story published today at mosh lit. Many thanks to editor and writer Patrick Trotti

Below is the link to read the story. Also, please do have a look around as mosh lit is new to the scene. Throw Patrick some support and share his content, help him build an audience.

My story "Donna 💗 Morris 4Ever" at mosh lit

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...