Thursday, March 21, 2019

Joseph Young’s Always Never Speaking: 50 Flash Fictions

 Joseph Young’s new book, Always Never Speaking: 50 Flash Fictions, with Commentaries by the Author, is now available for preorder.

The book’s 50 very short stories articulates the lives of many characters from numerous shades of life, telling of their pleasures and sorrows, mysteries and loves, in sparing but vivid prose. These stories are collected from among 10+ years of Young’s published and unpublished works. Young also provides very brief commentaries on each of the stories and on the mercurial and beguiling nature of flash fiction itself.

Young is self-publishing his book under the imprint RowHouse Press. Although he is a big fan of traditional publishing houses, Young is compelled with the ideas of DIY art making. Through such projects, artists get to bring their aesthetic ideas not only to the making of their work, but also to the packaging and design of their art and the assembly of novel and creative promotional tools.

As such, Young designed and made the cover art for his book, filmed a book trailer, and created a playlist of sound collage and voice recordings of four stories from Always Never Speaking.

Always Never Speaking is Young’s third full-length book. His award winning book of microfiction, Easter Rabbit, was released by Publishing Genius in 2010, and he self-published his vampire novel, NAME, in 2012. His flash fiction has appeared in many literary journals.

This book is Young’s first major project since his MicroFiction RowHouse in 2017. For MicroFiction RowHouse, Young installed numerous tiny stories on the walls, ceilings, bedsheets, tablecloths, and many other surfaces of his Baltimore rowhome to tell the story of a fictional family who might have once lived in the home.

In the near future, Young will hold a book release party for Always Never Speaking at MicroFiction RowHouse, which has been the site of literary readings, music shows, workshops, and other get-togethers over the past few years.

Always Never Speaking is 220 pages in length, and sells for $15 on Young’s website. During the preorder period for the book, Young will waive the shipping costs.

For media inquiries and requests for review copies, please see the information below.


What: Release of Always Never Speaking: 50 Flash Fictions, with Commentaries by the Author
When: Book now available for preorder for $15 on his website (free shipping during preorder), 220 pages
Contact: Joseph Young,, 443-858-9855

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