Sunday, March 17, 2019

Eating and Watching Baseball and Such

My gmail account won't work properly. Couple this with the fact that my subscription or whatever it is of Microsoft Word lapsed (ended, terminated, skipped out?) Now, consider that I write exclusively on my Google Drive now and you get kind of a calamity: I can't work on my ongoing projects, of which I have a'plenty.

I could write here at Bent Country and then safe it and paste it over whenever things straighten out. But that's not how it works for me. I have to be inside the document. So this sucks.

The truth is that I have to write everyday, not because I'm a writer, but because I just have to and that's it.


Ghost Adventures is on. I love that show. It's entertaining and sometimes cool. Investigators who don't like the show don't like it because them boys act crazy and get worked up and claim it's entirely the work of spirits. They also don't like that they say "dude" a lot. Big deal. There are some people who will never be happy as long as they live, and that's the way they way they want it. Don't waste your time on people like that.


The Braves are 11-12 in spring training play. It's not looking so good. Acuna will have a good year and Freeman probably one or two more decent years. Albies will have more good games than bad, but there will be bad games. The pitching is the problem. Folty is hurt; Terehan needs to be let go or moved to a closer or something, but they'll just keep starting him. Unless something changes with our pitching, this year is going to be a long one. I think I'll focus on Acuna and enjoy watching him. I'd say within a year or two he'll be playing for some other team; I better watch him while I can be happy when he succeeds.


My final pass draft of Dysphoria is in Adam's hands now and it's time to work on getting some blurbs for the launch, etc. I asked some people, but I swear to you that I have no idea who still likes me or not. I've lost all sense of that kind of thing. Liked or not liked starts becoming way less important as you get older and I, for one, am thankful for such progress.

I'm having a final look at my draft for an upcoming collection called Absolute Invention for Mike Lafontaine over at Secret History Books. I've not announced anything about this on the social medias but I'm saying it here, for all the millions of my fans and friends who stop by hourly to see what's up with SLC. Well there you go: I'll have a third story collection out this spring in addition to the novel from Cowboy Jamboree. I'm as excited as I've ever been as a writer. And, to the best of my knowledge, I should have The Orchard Is Full of Sound out from WVU Press some time in 2020.


I'm hooked on pecan pie lately. It's always been one of my favorite foods, but lately I've been eating it like they'll never make pies again. Wal-Mart is where I'm buying it. These boxes of pies lined up like I don't know, like boxes of heaven, like boxes of pure contentment. I don't know. The catch is having to go to Wal-Mart to get them. I didn't used to have a problem with going there. People never bothered me in large numbers. Now people bother me in any numbers.

It got so bad at one point (I was getting a couple other items for Heather while I was out) that I had to go to the furniture section and rest for a minute in one of those aisles where nobody ever goes. When I had my breath again I headed back out into the dark waters of the Wal-Martian waters.


Cross your fingers that I get to start on my writing projects again soon, or there's going to be a lot more of these posts about eating and watching baseball and such.

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