Friday, June 11, 2010

GUEST POST: Amy Geeleher

I recently asked writer Amy Geeleher to contribute a guest post here concerning reading. An avid and dedicated reader, I thought Amy would offer some interesting insights on reading as a writer, reading for enjoyment, reading for this and that and whatnot.

Instead, and even better, Amy gave me a pleasant surprise by writing about reading with a fine bit of fiction. A chef, this lady, a cooking guru of unique ways of taking on an assignment.

So, I offer you Amy Geeleher's views on reading through the eyes of her fictive world. What better way?

Sebastian, Chester and Harry Make Three

By Amy Geeleher

The forest is an open forum for the earth to unveil its overflowing glory and spread in green bucolic fervor. Reading is an intrepid feat of movement through the journey that is unfurling understanding via imagination and cognition, honing in on language and the subsequent pearling strings of syntax and grammar: art is love is god.

Sebastian was reading the back of a cereal box the other day, gleaning meaning from its ingredient list. High fructose corn syrup holds no saving graces from which misery is inevitably derived, but somehow there is language communicated by the commas connected to words with spaces and nouns depicting complex chemical components, what is zinc oxide exactly? Chester on the other hand subscribes to various magazines and political periodicals, filling up his head with so much input that he is bursting at the seamless seams of his skin, pore openings swelling at the mere thought of such super-saturation. And then there is Harry, who reads to write, he writes to expand the greenness of his earthly being, for his intrepid travels across multiple fronts of consciousness via the process of sublimating rage…expand and contract, repeat then fall to the wayside in writer’s block.

Amy Geeleher is a social worker who hails from western Massachusetts and finds that it is heartening to connect with others through writing and other creative venues.

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