Friday, January 15, 2010

Watch This Space.

Looks like the writer of wondrous words, xTx, will be my first interview. Look for it here in the coming days.

Also, go ahead and check out the new issue of The Collagist. You'll never regret it.

And Jen Michalski is hooking readers of JMWW up with some origins, the stories behind the stories stuff. Have a look.

I have to also extend a heartfelt thanks to Finnegan Flawnt for his incredible reading of my story "The Body Ricardo." You can find it and some great stories he gave voice to here.

1 comment:

let's talk about it

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...