Monday, May 29, 2023

A CLUSTER OF LIGHTS - Ten Years in the Making

Between May 2010 and May 2011 my great friend and amazing author Michelle Elvy and the gang published compositions as 52/250 A Year of Flash. My story "A Mountain So Lost" was published there during that time.

It was a terrific undertaking - from the website:

"...176 artists and authors who contributed over 1,500 flashes, poems and art. What began as a simple challenge between two friends (let’s write a story a week for a year) swiftly gained momentum and turned into something exceptional in every way. Our first week began with 17 writers taking on the theme of “Breadfruit” and our year ended with 52 authors inspired by “Threesome.” In the collection below you’ll find 52 weeks of stories and poems, each piece limited in word count to 250 or less.

Not too long ago, I was invited to compose another story for the ten-year anniversary anthology from the press Pure Slush. Ten years. Damn that's crazy. In some ways it feels exactly like ten years (or even more!) have passed and then sometimes it feels like a few months ago. But I was happy to be invited to take part and offered a story called "A Common Creation."

This past month, that anthology was published. A Cluster of Lights collects works from all of us ten years later. It's truly ingenious, just as the original idea was a decade ago. 

Go get the anthology and please do enjoy!

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