Friday, April 21, 2023

Short story published in the anthology Travelin' Thru Townes

Cowboy Jamboree just published a Townes Van Zandt-themed anthology. Here's who TVZ was.

I story of mine called "Marie" was included in the anthology, the title of which was taken from the name of one of my favorite Townes songs.

Townes in cool repose.

It has a ton of fantastic compositions, including work from William Taylor Jr., Brian Beatty, Clem Flowers, Margaret Sefton, Anthony Lawrence, Joe Kille, Kent Rose, Barbara Byar, Burke de Boer, Teddy Griffith, Vincent Cellucci, David Mihalyov, Karl Koweski, John Yohe, Mark Rogers, Charles March, and Colin Brightwell.

Cowboy Jamboree Press's editorial staff Adam Van Winkle, Constance Beitzel, and Kassie Bohannon are to be thanked beyond thanks for the hard work and vision to put together a collection like this.

Go get a copy. It's well worth a few bucks.


So I tried a workshop. It didn't work out as well as I would have liked. Life is like that, though. I'm of an age now that little failures mean less. And I'll try again. And it might work next time. For now, though, Yonder Writers Workshop is in a vague place where it can't connect with anyone or anything. 

Like I said, no worries. 

But by god I've been writing and posting here for 14 years. I can go back to posts I made in 2009 and see what the hell I was doing and thinking when I only had a few short stories published, a couple of which don't exist anymore, in the vague place, too, I suppose.

It's funny because I'm still sitting here with this same interface (colors schemes are the same, tool bar, the strange white "b" in the middle of an orange square in the upper left corner) indeed sitting here with the same interface thinking to myself and writing down the words that come. I still think the voice we hear inside our heads is probably the most amazing thing about us. Not the fact that we can speak those words or write those words but the fact that the words are there at all.


I just finished reading a book about the conscious and it's wiped me a little. Everything is suspect. The world is what I view it as but is that real and should I keep running from snakes when cutting grass? A lot is going on.

Also, I don't think I've posted my author's page at CJ Press here. Here's where you can go read some of my most recent compositions.

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