Thursday, December 9, 2021

Let me clear my throat

There's been a lot going on over the past couple of weeks. A new book, Runaways, out from Alien Buddha Press, my Collected Stories out from Cowboy Jamboree Press, and a third book in the early stages of promotion and one I've worked on for the last three years, The Orchard Is Full of Sound, also coming out this spring from CJ Press.

During all this, I posted briefly about something I want to talk more about here this morning. 

Cody Sexton, publisher and editor of A Thin Slice of Anxiety, nominated my poem "Another Cure for Boredom" for a Pushcart Prize. This is my first for poetry, so it's special to me. I have had good luck with these nominations, though, with seven now over the past decade.

I told my wife the day Cody announced his nominations that in the indie lit world the nomination was the win because the big swinging egos of the literary world at large were never going to include one of our pieces in the big book. Sadly, and stupidly, those people won't recognize A Thin Slice of Anxiety or Cowboy Jamboree Magazine or Alien Buddha Press or any of the other indie journals because they don't follow the old lines and the old ways and the old kinds of stories and poetry.

And thank god for that.

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