Thursday, August 19, 2021

My cosmic piece "There's Nothing Special About SN 1987 A" was published by trampset and I'm aglow

I love cosmic stuff. Cosmology. Not basic cosmology, though, if there even is such a thing. I love the deep mystery of the universes and whatever the next level is beyond universes, as this is as big as our brains have allowed us to consider the vast darkness to this point. 

Sometimes I write about it.

The most recent piece I finished was one called "There's Nothing Special About SN 1987 A." SN 1987 A is was a type II supernovae first observed in, well, 1987. It was the first time since the Kepler's Supernovae that one had been observed. The Kepler happened in 1604 and was the only known supernovae able to be seen by the naked eye, thus the recorded event that far back. 

I love SN 1987 A. It was a good year, to begin with. But also I just love a good supernovae. They are pretty mysterious, so I decided to write from the point of view that they are not so special because I like to mix it up. But the piece makes the case by comparison. 

I hope you go read it at trampset, a journal I absolutely love and one that is top of the market on all fronts. I'm grateful to the many fine editors there for enjoying the piece enough to share it with their readers. 

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