Saturday, October 24, 2020

10:49 a.m.

It's back to work on The Orchard Is Full of Sound today. Two days off has made me more hesitant than anything else, really. I thought it might give me a chance to reboot and start fresh with new ideas and some kind of steam for pushing through to getting at least the reworked sections placed and building up a different narrative arc. Or not different, but stronger, better woven. Instead, I'm gun-shy.

Maybe the issue is that I have my pain medicine today, Tylenol 3, which always sort of gives me an energy boost (this due to the lifting of my back pain for a period of time) but then leads to a crash. That crash is essentially a sudden wave of grogginess that cuts through any creative drive I might have managed.

I will write on this today. In fact, I'm dead set on getting the manuscript to better match the table of contents outline. Thing is, I had a look at some of the short stories I have in progress yesterday and now my head's in that space.

UPDATE: It's now 4:03 p.m. and I opened the Orchard folder and had a look, got overwhelmed, and then closed it, came here to finish a blog post instead. Not sure how I'm going to finish the book if that's the approach I'm bound to take. What I do know is that writing about not being able to write is getting me nowhere.

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