Sunday, February 9, 2020

New essays soon to come from Atticus Review and Cobalt Review

Some writing news...

It just occurred to me that I pretty much only share writing-related stuff here. Well, trust me, about eighty percent of my energy day to day is spent on writing. Thinking about writing, actually writing, reading others, making notes about stories, reviewing books, buying books, adding books to my respective wish lists, including my local library. Seriously, I don't see how anyone who takes writing seriously has much time for anything else. That's just my opinion.

That said, some writing news...

I'm excited to say that I'll have two more essays published soon. Coming up in Atticus Review will be a piece rooted firmly in the 1980s called "Night Tracks," which will be the title essay for a collection I'm now working on. Soon after that, I'll have an essay called "I Saw Absolutely Nothing When I Died, but Carl Jung Did" at Cobalt Review.

Here and now I want to thank editors Michelle Ross and Andrew Keating with Atticus Review and Cobalt Review, respectively. It still thrills me when good people see something they like in my work and share it with others. It's always been payment enough, and for that I suppose I'm lucky.

Look for posts here about these upcoming publications soon.

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