Here's the thing.
Sometime a few years back I was scrolling through the list of journals at Entropy's incredibly helpful "Where to Submit" feature and came across Cowboy Jamboree Magazine. The name was bold, fearless, and I knew right away I wanted to submit something to them. I did and editor Adam Van Winkle accepted the story.
It was the beginning of a fantastic friendship. And now I have news that would give any author goosebumps....As of today, every piece of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and all the rest I might write and they might see fit to print will be exclusively published by Cowboy Jamboree Press.

People, how I can explain what a great feeling this is? I'm rarely at a loss for words, but it's nearly happening. My work will appear in book form exclusively from a press that has supported and loved my writing as much as one could ever hope for a press to do so. As a kind of bonus, when, for example, a short story collection of mine comes at from CJ, those stories will be appearing for the first time ever, not reprinted from one of the journals it appeared it before. That is especially interesting to me. I've never had that kind of reading experience with my work. In fact, I've never had a short story appear in a collection (this over the course of three story collections) that did not first appear in a journal. Novels, poetry collections, essay collections - all of which I have on the burners as we speak, will also appear exclusively with CJ Press, which is to say no a single excerpt will be published anywhere else. Other than, perhaps, Cowboy Jamboree Magazine.

It's a whirlwind fever dream for me at this point. The most exciting thing that's happened to me since I started writing 33 years ago. It even surpasses the publication of my first book, and I didn't think that would every happen.
I do have one book,
The Orchard Is Full of Sound, that will appear later from WVU Press, but that was accepted and contracted prior to this new agreement with CJP. Also, there will be two pieces coming out in Atticus Review and Cobalt Review, respectively, that were also accepted and scheduled for publication before Adam and I discussed the exclusive stuff.
Now, for the bonus-bonus: I no longer have to spend countless hours upon hours, days upon days, filing and organizing and writing cover letters for submissions to other journals and presses. Those who write professionally will truly understand how important this is. It means all those hours and all those days and weeks and months will now be freed up for writing. Since 2012 I've had seven books published and more than 200 short stories, poems, columns, and essays. And each one of those required submission-related tasks. Those tasks are a thing of the past for me.
Good lordamercy, Adam. How can I ever thank you enough, my great friend? I'll say so now, thank you so much, but I'll also thank you by providing the absolute best work I can create for CJ Press. I'll work harder than before to polish my work. I'll write more and produce more and all of it will be the most focused work I've ever completed.
There's just not enough thank yous to express it. It truly is exceptional.