Friday, November 22, 2019

Cowboy Jamboree nominates excerpt of DYSPHORIA for a Pushcart Prize

Well, it's nearing year end and my beard is growing in nicely and the Pushcart news is at my doorstep once again. This time coming from the genuinely amazing Adam Van Winkle and Constance Beitzel at Cowboy Jamboree Magazine.

The announcement came in today that the excerpt of my novel Dysphoria, published this past year at CJ Magazine, was chosen by Adam for a Pushcart Prize nomination. The novel itself was published by CJ Press earlier this year as its debut launch, a tremendous honor that is still resonating for me these months later.

I simply cannot overstate how much Adam and his press have come to mean to me. My work has been championed in ways I never thought possible, and done so tirelessly and with as much enthusiasm as I could have ever hoped for. And the rest of the CJ Press family - Ben Drevlow (buy his wonderful novel Ina-Baby tonight), Adam himself (grab a copy of his book Hardway Juice), and future stable mates Daren Dean and Joey Poole - the rest of the family have become good friends, invaluable colleagues, and sources of inspiration along the way.

It's a special atmosphere. The feel of something new and exciting is always tingling just around the corner, and Adam's vision for what he wants for his press is the most focused I've ever seen. The sky is truly the limit and I'm just happy to be along for the mile-high ride.

Here's CJ Press's catalog page - check out the titles.

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