Thursday, April 18, 2019

Hello you five or six readers. We're going to sort this thing out.

Not a lot of people dropping by to read my posts here. It makes me feel strange to continue writing posts. Not bad or not hurt, etc. Just strange.

I remember when I started Bent Country about a decade ago things were about the same. I often addressed my one follower by name. It felt intimate and interactive. I'm back to that, so maybe it's not really strange as much as it is surreal.

That being said, to the five or six of you who have dropped by for the last several posts, you're in for a ride, my friends. Well not really. I'll probably be posting the same kinds of things about writing and from time to time stuff about space like white dwarf stars and how we don't have a black dwarf star yet because it's takes longer for one to form than the universe has been a thing.

Oh, and expect abrupt stops without warning because I don't always have a witty or informative or literary way to end posts here. I just stop writing so

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