Friday, February 15, 2019

So I'm Reading The Overstory by Richard Powers

Two nice quotes from the book and why they resonate with me:

"A woman in the coda of life, raising her eyes and lifting her hands in that moment just before fear turns into knowledge."

This one made me think of my heart attack. When they told me I was having a heart attack, I so distinctly remember the original and entirely unique fear that ran over me. A fear I had never experienced before, and I've had my share. I flatlined but was shocked back to life or I would have reached that point when the fear would have been turned into knowledge, entry into the largest mystery of all time. What's on the other side.

"We don’t want to kill the golden goose, but it’s the only way around here to get to the eggs."

This one drops me directly into my homeplace of Eastern Kentucky. I could be peeling potatoes in Belgium, read this, and be at once back at home. Home, a place where me and mine have no choice but to do what has to be done to survive. If that process, for instance, lands us with a credit score in the 400s, then that's the price that has to be paid for day-to-day existence. We don't have the luxury of working on something as abstract as a credit score. We have to get the eggs.

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