Monday, June 11, 2012

The Book Launch and Baked Beans

Friday was a good day.  I had the opportunity to finally meet Stephen Marlowe, friend and publisher, along with his fine family, I had good food and fun with family and friends and read a little and talked a little about my new book, The Same Terrible Storm.

The launch, held at the Eastern Kentucky Expo Center in Pikeville, was just a good time all the way around.  Even set backs were cool.  Steve and I trekking out to get a grill at the last minute because prior grill plans went amiss resulted in some good jawing about writing, the writing life, finding out more about each other.  It was a fine time.

I am also now the proud owner of a poster with my face on it that is just huge.  I’m still thinking of what to do with this piece.  Time will tell.

Thanks to all of you who made it out.  I really appreciated it.  And thanks to Foxhead for understanding that this old mountain boy was more at ease with a cookout complete with BBQ and baked beans.  It means a lot to feel comfortable.  I hope everyone had as good a time as I did.


  1. Sheldon,
    I regret not being there. My youngest daughter was in the hospital delivering a beautiful little baby girl. Glad you had a good time.

  2. Congrats, Dennis! That's grand news, man!


let's talk about it

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