Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Foxhead Books Set To Publish My First Collection

I received my contract for review from Foxhead Books yesterday evening. Foxhead will be publishing my full-length short story collection, The Same Terrible Storm, as of now and at some point later on my collection of flash stories, Where Alligators Sleep.

Needless to say I'll be signing that lovely thing. It's twenty-three years coming, this book, and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

In the meantime, have a look at Foxhead's first offering, Paul Kerschen's The Drowned Library. This collection will be available November 1, but visit the link and read a sample. I'm in extremely good company.


  1. wow! that's awesome, Shel! Way to go!!!

  2. Hey, a big thanks to you both! So glad to hear from y'all.

  3. That is just the best news I've heard today--big congratulations, Sheldon, for a super writer!

  4. That is some damned good news. Congratulations!

  5. Thanks, Susan and Rusty. Thanks very much to you both.


let's talk about it

Reader (and fine writer) sends me first feedback since publication of OBLIVION ANGELS

Got an email recently from a writer I published at Poverty House last year and asked if I could share it. Here it is; it speaks for itself. ...