Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Punch is I am pleased.


So I'm carousing through submissions at A-Minor and liking a lot of what I see. I'm also digging the fact that folks are sharing some A-Minor with others. For that I'm grateful. Just for kicks, I'm gonna do something I've not before and name the next three writers who will be published there to round out the remaining Mondays of September:

Sept. 13 – Nora Nadjarian

Sept. 20 – Michelle Elvy

Sept. 27 – Michael J. Solender

In regard to these upcoming works I have the pleasure of sharing I will say this:

I am punch. I am pleased. Pleased punch as is. Punch is I am pleased.

The above sentence was written to honor Shya Scanlon's style in his wonderful In This Alone Impulse.

Shya sent out a call to anyone wishing to have a copy of the book last month and I might well have been one of the first to raise my hand, waving and wiggling my fingers. A helluva guy and a razor sharp writer to boot, his book was in the mail within a couple days. For now, I'll share my favorite sentence: "It is something to wade in the snow like a chicken, lost."

I've read this three times now and just started my fourth read last night. I hope to offer my thoughts on this wonder in the coming days.


This morning I received a copy of Mel Bosworth's Grease Stains, Kismet, and Maternal Wisdom in the mail. Beautiful book with Mel's own artwork on the cover from Aqueous Books, a press to watch for and watch closely, and read and support.

Once I've lapped this book up like cathead biscuits and brown gravy, sopping every word until the plate shines like a new penny, I'll offer some thoughts.


Amber Sparks has developed one of the most original writing projects I've come across for her September tenure as Writer-in-Residence at Necessary Fiction. The construction of a city's lifespan through stories with writers contributing by using found artifacts at the now barren site where the city once existed as prompts. See the most recent example here.

Okay, off to further consider my own artifact and tell its story to the best of my abilities.


  1. I too am pleasingly punched. AM is a happening kind of place and I am chuffed to have my work featured there. A fine front porch you have I must say!

  2. boom. excellence, shel. we shall me in the ancient city.

  3. we are reading and loving it! You think YOU are pleased and punched -- I am sorta amazed at the company I'm in. Thank you. And meanwhile, I've now holding onto this image of the chicken in the snow, lost, so I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you're reading.


let's talk about it

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...