Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Show and Tell With Shelby Lee Adams.

Images say thousands of words, or something like that.

Pictures, talkative. Better than speaking, they say. Something like that.

With this in mind, here is the first of a few pictures I dig great and will be posting over the next few days taken by Eastern Kentucky native Shelby Lee Adams.

I'll offer a bit of prose to go along with the photos, if my work-ravaged brain is so inclined.

You should also check out the film about Adams and his work called THE TRUE MEANING OF PICTURES.

I'm not going to smile while doing this, son. This is a serious thing you're laying witness to. Faith that All Mighty will cloak me in angel's armor borrowed from Michael on a slow day in the battle for all above us and all this worldly hardness below. I won't smile. I want All Mighty to know I take his gift and blessing seriously. I want Him to know I'm a tough sonofabitch forged from this hardness, made a part of it, born from and raised in fire, who can join His ranks as soon as He's ready for me to fall in line.

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