Monday, March 15, 2010

Mostly Meaningless.

Boy, I haven't written anything here in a long time. Still not much to say.


  1. You could write about how awesome your new Monkeybicycle piece is.

  2. gutters and strikes, bud

    we gotta keep plugging away, all of us

  3. Yeah, the blog thingee was wonderful when the ideas were exploding like munitions between my ears. Other times it seems a chore.

  4. Hey man, can you post your ghost story submission to the Narrow House blog? Then it will count.


let's talk about it

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...