Wednesday, April 3, 2024

David and Tom, Chaos and Hobart.

Went and got behind on sharing my Hobart Chaos Questions interviews here, so I'm going to post links to the last two here now.

I talked with David Joy a ways back there. He said things like, "I go back to eleven years old fishing the cattle pond on the Johnston’s farm. My Granny can be my Al." And chided me for calling what people wear outfits. 

David's Interview

And just yesterday I posted my interview with Tom Williams. Tom said things like, "I am going to eat the editorial offices of literary magazines and book publishers that have rejected me and my friends..."

Tom's Interview

Next up is Bonnie Jo Campbell. We wrote yesterday and she let me know that she'll have them my way at some point this week. Can't wait to see what this black belt storyteller offers up.

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