Friday, May 14, 2021

Prose poetry published today at Live Nude Poems

My prose poem "A Nostalgia" appeared today at Rusty Barnes's journal Live Nude Poems. Rusty has been reading my submitted work for more than a decade now. 

Rusty published one of my first stories back then at his journal Fried Chicken and Coffee but, more than anything, he's always been straight with me. When I was submitting to Night Train (the renown publication Rusty founded, edited, and made into a stellar journal) he gave me the best rejections. The one I remember most was a short and perfect: "Not this one." 

I've always loved that rejection. I've even used it myself more than a few times over the years with journals I started and edited. It was straight forward, no bullshit, but it also reserved just a little bit of encouragement. Not this one? Well he must be okay if I send another. Maybe that'll be the one. 

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