Thursday, November 19, 2020

A New Story Published in Vending Machine Press

I have a new story at Vending Machine Press. It's called "Quietning Man" and I have Mike Lafontaine to thank for it appearing for people to read.

A little background on this one, something I've not really done before outside of an interview question. About two months ago I started to notice that my thinking was different than most of the people I'm around from day to day. Not better, not smarter, not anything like that. Just different, whereas others seemed to have at least some kind of consensus among each other. When I gave advice (advice I would absolutely take myself) I could tell they thought the idea monumentally absurd or just fantasy all together.

After a time, I started to believe that I should just be quiet. There was no reason to waste my breath. And let me make clear, I did not feel that I was above anyone's thinking. 

The ending, when the children come into play, is nothing more than my lifelong fear of destroying my kids in some way I never saw coming. It's in a lot of my stuff.

Read the story HERE

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