Thursday, September 20, 2018

My new story "The Great Ones Eat Up the Little Ones" published today @ Cowboy Jamboree

I have a new short story in the most recent issue of Cowboy Jamboree, the grit lit journal headed by the kind and talented Adam Van Winkle.

The story is called "The Great Ones Eat Up the Little Ones" and is my exploration of one possibility of how the street corner preacher becomes the street corner preacher. We have these individuals in eastern Kentucky, exclusively men in my experience who stand on the corner or just outside the down courthouse and preach and generally call out to those passing by. How does that happen? This story looks at that.

There's a lot of good in this new issue of Cowboy Jamboree. Along with fiction from the likes of my friends Hillary Leftwich and Frank Reardon, there's also an interview with Willie Davis, the author of Nightwolf, his debut novel set in Lexington, Kentucky, which I wrote an appreciation for at Enclave last week.

I hope everyone who can will read the new issue. Drop a line and let me know what you think of my story, too, if you'd like.

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