Saturday, February 18, 2017

Let's Send a Case of Water to Flint, Michigan

I'm going to order a case of water and have it shipped to Flint, Michigan. Ten bucks or so, that's all it will take. I'm asking that my Facebook friends do the same thing. I'm going to order mine from Wal-Mart and have it delivered there. On Monday, I'm going to call the mayor's office in Flint and ask what is the best address for it to be sent to. Please, please, please, please, please do this with me. I'd love to know how many cases we can get sent, so, if you don't mind, direct message me and let me know if you're willing to do this. Let's do this anonymously and not put our names on the shipment. Let's do our part to fix this. If everyone in the United States sent one case of water, well, I don't have to tell you what that would do. Just imagine.

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