Monday, August 4, 2014

The Past Week Was Like A Fever Dream

Haven't really dropped in here and just rambled in a good while, and, since there's plenty to talk about here in Comptonland, I think I'll do that.

Okay, where to start?  I'll go backwards.

This morning I learned from Artistically Declined Press publisher and editor Ryan W. Bradley that ADP will publish my first novel, BROWN BOTTLE, late summer of next year.  What!?!  Yep, you heard me, gang. That just happened.

Now, just before that, I think about two or three days ago, a call for associate editors for the nationally known literary journal Night Train was put out by Rusty Barnes.  I expressed interest and can now say I am this very thing, along with some other fine writers and editors.

Before this, early last week, I got a call from Jay Hill out of West Virginia.  He asked if I wanted to take part in a podcast interview with him at his home in Boone County for his preservation project The Hollow and the Plow.  I went.  It was awesome. Jay is awesome. He even took me to nearby Milton, W. Va. to visit the grave of my favorite writer, Breece Pancake (more to come about this visit later).  My god this boy is one awesome guy.

All this coming at the same time my second story collection, WHERE ALLIGATORS SLEEP, is to be released from Foxhead Books this fall, as it has been sent to press just last week.

Now that's one amazing week for a writer.  It's good to be in the company of amazing editors and writers and see good things happen.  That's it.  I am beside myself.  Hi self.

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