Friday, November 9, 2012

Some TSTS Reviews, and Rusty Barnes Wants To Give You Free Copies

I'm more than pleased to have two new reviews of my collection, The Same Terrible Storm, floating around this past week.

The first came at Rusty Barnes' Fried Chicken and Coffee.  His review, an appreciation post I'm highly grateful for, also comes with a cool offer.  The first couple cats to email him at the email he gives in the review will receive their own copies of the collection.  Check out what he has to say and comment to get a chance for a free book, that rare diamond in the lit universe.

The second review came from Necessary Fiction, and, thankfully, was another favorable offering on my work.  Like many good reviews, this one revealed things to me about my collection I hadn't really thought of before.  Now that's insight, folks.  Read the review, and anything else you can get your hands on today.

On a sort of related topic, Logan Rogers, the talented feller who worked as the graphic artist on the cover of TSTS, posted a picture of his son, who was the young boy pictured on the cover of the collection, holding a copy of the book.  Very cool.  So very cool.  Here's the little hoss with book in hand:

What a fine fine job, and such an honor to see this young man holding my book.  He looks great sitting there on those tracks.  He couldn't have done a better job.  Thanks and thanks!

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