Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's A New Year But Things Still Feel The Same.

Scot Siegel has two micros up today at A-Minor. Stop by and take a look when you have time.

Also, Jeff Callico at Negative Suck extended a fine gesture in having me as his featured author for NS's January issue. Thanks to you, sir. Just navigate to the "Current Content" tab and there I'll be with many other writers with grand work in this issue. Jeff was generous enough to publish six of my stories for this month. Each can be found by following the links marked "Compton" at the end of each piece.

I'm working with a few other writers on an Exquisite Quartet story for Used Furniture Review. I think readers will enjoy the end result of this collaboration. Thanks to Meg Tuite for inviting me to take part.

New today, also, is a story of mine called "He Finds Her There" at Pure Slush, Matt Potter's fine new publication. Matt also talked with me via PS's Hue Questionnaire about my favorite color. I liked that questionnaire...it made me think. Much thanks, of course, to Matt for all of this. A fine writer, editor and person, he.

I was witness to my friend's wedding this weekend and he gave me a witness gift – Barry Hannah's Airships. How wonderful is that? Thanks, JRock, and, again, congrats.

It's a new year, but things still feel the same. We'll see what happens next.


  1. Great stuff Shelly. Will look for you at the Suck, a fine venue to be sure.

  2. i really enjoyed reading your answers to the "hue questionnaire", too & you know how i feel about your pure slush story - grand piece. i like gray though not as much. the image of you as an easter bunny with your kids will stay with me. things feel different for me this year. we had a good holiday, the family and i, i'm writing a lot, reading less than i want to, and my heart feels stronger than it has in many a january.


let's talk about it

A title change for my novel-in-progress, publication Tuesday of my new novel OBLIVION ANGELS

So I started a new novel. I swear, it's like every short story I start now veers too long and then becomes something more than a short s...